In a world where disagreement has become status quo, one thing we all can agree upon is that ensuring a flawless customer network experience that is operationally efficient is exceedingly complicated. Whether you have a massive telecommunications network to provide services or a private network that supports your organization’s own operations, you face constant risk. Gaps across the myriad of processes required to design, procure, and operate a communications network have the potential to increase cost, affect revenue, and impact customer experience if they are not managed properly.

One major reason? Lack of system compatibility.

Too often, the various applications required for OSS and infrastructure management simply don’t fit together well. Some come from different solution providers. Others are built in house. Or maybe the solutions that would be truly helpful just haven’t been implemented because nobody is quite sure how to incorporate them without breaking what’s already in place.

Believe me, at Synchronoss, we’ve seen and done it all – from integrating new products into unwieldly legacy systems to helping organizations meet financial mandates for increased operational efficiencies. We knew there had to be a better way.

Integration that Makes Sense

The fact is that a piecemeal approach to OSS management solutions is probably not the best one. Sure, it can be done. But if a communications organization wants to get the most bang for the buck – increased cost savings, streamlined processes, integrated back-office architecture, and so on – it needs to ensure that the OSS management applications it requires are able to play together nicely.

This is exactly what we’ve done here at Synchronoss with Total Network Management (TNM).

TNM brings together under a single umbrella all the applications you would need for wholesale and enterprise OSS management. It’s the only platform of its kind in how it combines the management of on-net network assets; procurement off-net network assets; comprehensive wholesale expense management; and an integrated view of contracts, rates, inventory and expense.

What You Need When You Need It

One of the beautiful things about TNM is that it’s not an all-or-nothing platform. The individual modules that comprise TMN are able to stand on their own, giving you the flexibility to choose what you need today and add on when ready – knowing that future additions will integrate flawlessly with the ones already in place.

So what’s part of TMN? Here’s a quick overview of the three main solution categories:

Financial Analytics: This workflow-driven expense management application suite spans procurement to payment and helps reduce vendor and operational costs, mitigate risks, enforce financial compliance and controls, and increase operational efficiencies.

spatialSUITE: This set of solutions delivers end-to-end physical network asset planning, design, and management in a single solution, from cataloging the types and locations of equipment to showing how that equipment is connected and being utilized within the network.

Interconnect NOW (iNOW): This scalable solution manages the full order lifecycle between customer and supplier via an electronically bonded gateway platform enabling rapid order submission, confirmation, and status updates between carriers. Additionally, completed order information flows to Financial Analytics providing the only integrated and automated order to bill reconciliation functionality in the market.

We’re Not Scared

At Synchronoss, we’ve got dozens of years of experience helping some of the world’s largest networks successfully deal with a plethora of behind-the-scenes OSS and network management challenges. We understand the complexity of communications networks and the organizations that manage them. We get how processes that work together result in maximum efficiency. We know what makes them tick.

So it only made sense that we package up all that experience and knowledge into our new Total Network Management platform. We’re not scared to tackle the complex. Now you don’t need to be either.

Learn how TMN can simplify the complex and integrate your OSS and network management here.