Most successful businesses understand that delivering an amazing subscriber experience is as important as the technology behind their products and solutions. This conviction is fully backed up by research. Gallup, for example, found that customers who are fully engaged represent a 23% premium in terms of share of wallet, profitability, revenue and relationship growth over the average customer.

What this means for many enterprises is that their discussions about how to create a positive subscriber experience often center on how the businesses interact with those individuals. Is its website easy to navigate? How quickly are customer service issues solved? Are communications personalized?

At Synchronoss, we take this idea of creating a stellar subscriber experience even a step further. Not only do we help enterprises better engage with their subscribers, but we also help those enterprises give their subscribers better ways to engage with their family, friends and colleagues as well with their own personal digital content. A dual approach is, in our opinion, the best way to ensure a successful end-to-end subscriber engagement strategy.

engageX: A set of tools for today’s subscribers

Our aim to bring our customers a range of engagement and communication channels comes together under engageX – a set of Synchronoss products that not only help enterprises create new brand and content experiences to keep subscribers engaged with their services, but also help those subscribers engage with what’s important to each of them.

Today, our engageX solutions include:

Personal Cloud – This white-label personal cloud platform gives your subscribers a trusted, secure place to protect and share what matters most – photos, videos, contacts, music and more – no matter the device or operating system.
Advanced Messaging – Operators looking for a way to deliver feature-rich messaging, as well as a way for their subscribers to securely engage with the brands they love, increasingly turn to rich business messaging (RCS). Our RCS-based messaging marketplace ecosystem transforms how subscribers interact with brands and each other. It’s a win-win-win for subscribers, brands and you.
Email Suite – Not many will dispute the importance of access to a secure, reliable and engaging email service. Our platform allows you to provide this to subscribers in a way that makes sense for you. And it doesn’t hurt that customer data shows that 91% of active email users remain customers for 2+ years. Happy subscribers = retained subscribers.

Engagement made easy

I believe Peter Drucker, considered by many as the founder of modern business management, was right when he said, “Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the customer gets out of it.” Never has that statement rung truer than it is today.

The bottom line is this: A commitment to provide connected experiences that sync subscribers’ digital lives with their day-to-day lives is no longer a “nice to have” but is now an enterprise imperative. Doing so creates a positive brand experience, strengthens relationships with customers, increases customer loyalty and trust, and grows revenue.

To learn more about how engageX solutions can help enterprises create the ultimate engagement and communication channels for subscribers.