Mobile operators around the world are coming together to accelerate the adoption of RCS-enabled advanced messaging services. In Japan, Synchronoss has deployed a rich and secure multi-channel RCS solution with exciting results.

A few years ago, in the Japanese market, the three largest operators realized that the quality of the customer experience for carrier messaging was in decline. In contrast, LINE was offering a much richer customer experience especially popular with the younger generation. It was very clear operators needed a next generation messaging solution that could scale fast.

In addition, the carriers had ambitions to go beyond the traditional Telco business into new growth areas including digital life, financial services, and smart homes. RCS Business Messaging provides better engagement between businesses and consumer and was key to enabling these new revenue streams.

A cross-carrier consortium was created to achieve scale and reach.

The Japan carriers worked in close partnership with us to install and manage the foundation of our Advanced Messaging Platform. This solution provides everything operators need to quickly get up and running with person-to-person RCS messaging. This feature-rich platform is scalable, secure, and you can have confidence that it will always conform to the most current standards. The Operators branded this new service “+Message” and educated their subscribers to drive adoption.

In Step Two of the roll-out, +Message launched messaging for application-to-person and person-to-application with outstanding results. +Message opens the door to merchandising, chatbots, and the advanced query and search capabilities needed for business messaging.

Synchronoss Advanced Messaging provides a fantastic new channel for businesses and brands, while creating a competitive advantage for operators in the market.

Learn how Synchronoss helped Japanese Operators successfully roll out RCS Messaging to 20 Million Subscribers here.