Everywhere, companies are looking at new ways to engage their consumers, particularly where digital services are concerned. The demands and needs of consumers today mean that we expect more and more from the brands we interact with. Here at Synchronoss we are committed to ensuring that our customers and partners are able to meet these evolving needs by enhancing their digital offering through personal cloud services. We’ve already seen our Synchronoss personal cloud solution benefit mobile network providers, such as Verizon and AT&T, and we’re now seeing other vertical markets seeking the benefits of personal cloud to deliver better experiences.

Our latest partnership with Japanese multimedia retailer, Kitamura, is a perfect example of retailers wanting to boost their digital services offering. Our partnership means that millions of consumers will be able to benefit from our personal cloud solution, either in store or online. With over 1000 retail locations, visited by 20 million customers each year, and more than 10 million customers registered to its online services, this collaboration will give Kitamura customers the ability to store, organize and manage their photos safely and securely via our personal cloud solution.

For decades, Kitamura’s photography services have brought its customers’ precious memories to life, and today, through our personal cloud solution, customers will not only be able to enjoy these memories, but also be able to manage these, easily, and in a secure way. Consumers today value their digital content more than ever—keeping pictures and videos safe is extremely important and valuable. Kitamura is now making that safeguarding of digital assets possible through the Synchronoss Personal Cloud.

As the world of retail changes and evolves, Kitamura—like many other retailers—will look at new innovative ways to enhance their offering, increase customer experience and create new revenue streams beyond traditional services. While many retailers come from ‘brick and mortar’ roots, our digital-driven world is forcing retailers to adapt to new customer needs and demands from a digital service offering perspective. Cloud services are a great place to start. Providing a safe, secure solution to many users’ digital storage conundrum, Kitamura is bettering its online and retail experience, and as result will be able to form engaging and longer-lasting relationships with its customers.

To find out more about our personal cloud solution, click here.