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Effective Strategies to
Go-To-Market and Scale
Personal Cloud

Position your cloud service for success

Launching and scaling cloud services requires a strategic approach to capture market share and drive growth. By leveraging Synchronoss’s expertise, service providers can ensure seamless market entry and differentiation from competitors. Effective go-to-market strategies are crucial in positioning your white-label cloud service as a valuable addition to your customers’ digital ecosystem.


of all data will be stored in the cloud by 2025


Strategic Planning and Execution

Strategic planning and execution are fundamental to a successful cloud service deployment. Providers must understand their subscriber base, demographics, growth, and churn rates. Incorporating value-added services like cloud can enhance the overall value proposition, increasing customer satisfaction and retention.

  • Market Research: Understand your total serviceable and addressable market by identifying potential customer segments and evaluating the demand for core and value-added services. Analyze competitors and other entities in the market to identify gaps and opportunities.
  • Understanding Your Subscriber Base: Analyze demographics, growth, and churn rates to tailor your services. Develop insights into subscriber behavior and preferences to better meet their needs.
  • Value Proposition Enhancement: Demonstrate how cloud services can improve customer satisfaction by addressing pain points and providing unique benefits.
  • Roadmap Development: Create a roadmap outlining key milestones and deliverables. Align your timeline with market opportunities and customer demand.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocate resources effectively to ensure optimal execution of the plan. This includes budgeting, personnel, and technological infrastructure.


Partner and Channel Development

Building robust partner networks and developing effective channel strategies expand market reach and drive sales. Focus on retail, home, care, digital, and app channels to create a consistent offering and reduce care costs through a standardized solution across devices.

  • Partnership Identification: Establish relationships with strategic partners and channels that align with your target market and service offerings.
  • Channel Strategy: Develop a robust strategy for retail, home, care, digital, and app channels to maximize market penetration and customer engagement.
  • Training and Support: Provide comprehensive training and support to agents and channel partners to ensure consistent and effective service delivery.
  • Cost Reduction: Utilize cloud services to create common solutions across device types, reducing care costs and improving operational efficiency.

Market Positioning and Competitive Analysis

Define a compelling value proposition, making your cloud service stand out. Focus on creating value with cloud, understanding competitive alternatives, and developing a strategic pricing model.

Creating Value with Cloud: Define a clear and compelling value proposition that highlights the unique benefits of your cloud service.

Competitive Alternatives: Analyze other solutions customers might use, including integrated OS solutions from tech giants, and identify your competitive advantages.

Value Pricing Strategy: Develop a pricing strategy that balances competitiveness with profitability, considering pricing models of other telcos and cloud products.

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Cloud Product Strategy

Determining the optimal offering structure is essential for maximizing user adoption and satisfaction. A focused approach on a few key offers that align with the demographic and subscriber base can drive engagement and revenue.


Offer a free tier that highlights core features, encouraging users to explore your service risk-free. This strategy can lead to higher conversion rates to premium plans.


Develop advanced plans with additional features and higher storage capacities. Clearly communicate the added value to incentivize users to upgrade from the freemium tier.


Implement upsell strategies to offer extra storage, enhanced security, and exclusive content, increasing the average revenue per user (ARPU).


Provide plans that support shared storage and family use, promoting collaboration and convenience. This approach makes the service more appealing to families.

Driven Success

Offer value by providing predictable pricing while delivering comprehensive coverage for all family members. These plans strengthen cloud-powered bonds, allowing everyone in the family to easily store and share important files, photos, and memories. Plus, the device-agnostic nature means they work seamlessly across platforms.

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